Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Not So Good News

A remedy is good news only to those whose hope is for a cure, but for those who think they don't need it, it is just information that is stocked somewhere in the deep recesses of one's brain.

The Gospel is good news. And it should be presented as good news. But how can it be good news when the people you are sharing it to does not or even resist the idea that they are in a predicament and the good news is the only solution? It'll just be words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs that may be inspirational but not transformational.

In this day and age, there is high intolerance when we talk about sin and hell. It's as if those two are antiquated ideas purported by a state-driven religion from who knows where and who knows when just to blind people to gain control of their lives.

It is not politically correct and sensitive if we talk, much more warn people of the peril they are in. It doesn't seem right anymore.

Somewhere along the way, the good news, the Gospel has lost it's impact and it's goodness because the bad news has been watered down. Jesus became a figure, a symbol of goodness, kindness and righteousness, a model to be followed but not anymore a Master nor a Savior to whom people should give their lives upon in faith and loyalty.

Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost. Much like the Pharissees of His day, they did not believe that they need seeking much more saving. So they'd resisted the idea of a sinner-seeking-saving Messiah. But still, Jesus did found some people who need saving. There were people who knew and saw themselves as sinners in need of Savior. Somehow the very presence of Jesus with them--the sinners, tax collectors and outcasts--led them to that realization that they were looking for something they never knew they were looking for. Jesus led them to Himself and their lives was forever changed

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Temptation: Shortcut

Jesus third temptation found in Matthew 4 is the temptataion to take shortcuts. A 'shorcut' is essentially trusting another way, usually bending one's principles, convictions and godliness rather than fully trusting in God's way. It is like the cliche that the end do justify the means. As long as the end is achieved, whatever means a person does it is acceptable.

When Satan tempted Jesus by offering Him the Authority and the Kingdoms of the world in exchange of Jesus' worship, Satan knew that the very purpose by which Jesus came to earth is to redeem and regain all Authority and in turn, the Kingdoms of the world. What Satan is offering Jesus all the authority and the Kingdoms without the suffering, the pain, the cross and death, if only Jesus would bend His values, beliefs and conviction.

This temptation is very near to us. All of has been tempted to lie, to cheat, to misrepesent something or somebody just to get ahead or advance or accomplish something we want. Though we will not be offered the kingdoms of world now just even a bit of authority, still the temptation to bend, just for even a while, our beliefs or convictions is very real.

How did Jesus countered this temptation? He reached backed to a time when Moses was giving a speech to the Israelites, just before they were to enter and conquer, the Promised Land. Moses was saying to the Israelites to trust in the Lord because the Lord has been faithful to them and has shown His power and glory from their escape from Egypt to all the 40 years they have wandered about the desert--God has seen them through and He will continue to see them through. Moses is saying that God is ever faithful. The Israelites can trust God. Whatever happens God can be trusted. They are not on their own. As long as they continue to trust God, God will show His glory and power and faithfulness among their midst and in ang through their lives

This is a temptation where almost all of us fall. There are situations and opportunities in our life that when we look at it, it seems that there is no other way forward or way out but to just bend our values. But yet, there is a way. Like Jesus, a person can choose not to bend, a person can choose not to violate his convictions. It will not be easy, it may be even let a person great suffering but yes there is a way.

Why should a person continue to cling to his convictions and belief and turn away from this temptation? The issue is peace of heart and peace of mind. For Christians, the issue is looking into your heart and soul knowing that his or her relationship with God is intact, that fellowship with God still flows and that there is peace deep down.

In the end, Jesus did suffer horrible pain, he suffered the cross even death. But in His life, fellowship with God was never broken, God was able to do what He has purposed in Jesus' life and when Jesus rose from dead, all authority was given to Him and one day even now every tribe and tongue, every creature on earth. above the earth and even below the earth will bow and is bowing down to Him as King of kings and Lord of lords. 

The stakes if you falling for this kind of temptation may be higher than you could imagine. But if you could overcome it, with God's help, it will be worth it all. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Temptation: Bread

The first of the three temptation that Satan majored in when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness in to make Jesus turn stones to bread. It is essentially tempting Jesus to fill a God-given legitimate need in an illegitimate way. Provision for needs is almost always at the top of a person's priority. It is essential to life. When needs are unmet, worry starts to creep in, tension starts, faith sways and hearts for God begin to faint.

Jesus, in the first temptation of the enemy, countered it by qouting Deuteronomy, "man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes out from the mouth of God". Jesus understood that Our Heavenly Father is the Provider, and God provides for the needs of His children; and that as long as a person is under the canopy of God--by abiding in His ways, laws, principles and precepts, God can be trusted to provide for His children.

Life is hard. The need for provision is always there. The temptation to find illegitimate sources for the provision of needs is very real. But like Jesus, let us trust that God has always connected the provision of needs with walking in His ways--that as we abide, He will provide.