Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ordinary Song

There's a song that relates precisely to what I am going through in a season of my life. I find myself playing and wanting to hear and even singing the song over and over again. It’s more than LSS, it’s a cry of the heart. 


Covnitkepr1 said...

I say...let your heart cry. your newest follower.

Covnitkepr1 said...

I have you listed as a "favorite" to be able to return to this site...would be nice if you could install the "follower" widget though. In either case...I will return. Thanks for sharing.

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

I will pray that our Lord will give you the peace, joy and comfort that only He can bring.

I enjoyed reading your blog. God bless, Lloyd

pjronlfortaleza said...

Thank you very much for your concern. God has been my comfort during those times. Though I can say that it was a trying time, it was also a time where I learned to become more dependent on God. Thanks very much!

Bob West said...

I enjoyed your blog. Great teaching here

God Bless, Bob West

pjronlfortaleza said...

Thanks! God Bless you too!